New Website


Welcome to our new website. After many months in the making, we have finally gone live with our brand-new, modern, mobile-friendly site.

Our existing site was first constructed in 2010 and has served us well over the following decade. However, the Internet has changed considerably during this time and the old site was no longer serving our purposes. One of the main reasons for this is the enormous increase in traffic from mobile devices over this period. Accurate statistics are not available from the earliest years, but several sources have confirmed that mobile traffic was around 16% in 2013 increasing to 53% in 2020. This means that more people are looking at websites with their handheld devices than their desktop and laptop computers.

Websites, such as our previous one which has elements locked into specific regions of the page, do not show well on a mobile device as the entire page is squashed into a tiny screen. This causes the user to have to pinch and scroll making navigation extremely difficult. Not only that, most forms requiring submission did not function properly. A further downside it that search engines such as Google penalise mobile-unfriendly sites by lowing their rankings.

We hope you enjoy our new modern website and apologise if you have bookmarks to pages on our previous site which no longer work. Your feedback is very important and welcome. If you have any comments, good or bad, which you would like to share with us, please send them via our Enquiry Form. We will respond as soon as we can and endeavour to address any negative issues.